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6 Signs Your Home Is Crying Out for Self-Storage

Facility For Storage Unit
Are you thinking about getting a self-storage unit? Possessions can accumulate fairly slowly, which makes it difficult to determine exactly when enough is enough. The following are a few signs that you might need to think more seriously about getting a self-storage unit and clearing out all the clutter in your home. 
1. You No Longer Use Your Garage for Your Car
The garage is often the first thing to go. Then it's the basement and then it's the attic. If you can't fit your car in your garage anymore, you may have too many items in your house. Most items that are shuffled into a garage aren't items that you're going to be using a lot. If you have a lot of gardening implements and tools, on the other hand, this could also be a sign that it's about time to get a shed. 
2. Your Closet Has More Boxes in It Than Clothes
It's easy to just push some boxes into the closet and forget about them. Out of sight, out of mind. However, there comes a point in time when you have so many items in the closet that you can't squeeze your clothes in there. If you find yourself struggling to get your clothes out of the closet because too many items are in the way, you may need to invest in some storage. 
3. You Can Never Find Anything When You Need It
Do you find yourself going through box after box whenever you need something? This is a sign that your home desperately needs organization. It could also be a sign that you just have too many things in your home. Realistically, you're only going to be using a certain number of items during your day-to-day life, and you're not going to need all of those things in your property at any one time. 
4. You Have Items You Haven't Used in the Last Year
As a rule of thumb, if you haven't touched something in a year, it really doesn't need to be in your house. Clutter can build up over time, and that includes seasonal objects that you only use during the holidays. A self-storage unit is the perfect place for this type of thing. Go through all of the items in your home and try to remember when you last used them. If you can't remember, put them in a box. If you don't touch those boxes for a few months, then you probably don't need them. 
5. You're Using Furniture for Storage Are your tables packed with boxes?
Do you have chairs that are doubling as shelves? When your furniture can no longer be furniture, then you need a real place to keep your storage. Not only is it unsightly, but putting constant stress on your furniture in this way could actually be damaging your furniture over time. While you're at it, you might want to consider whether you actually need all of the furniture in your house or whether some of the furniture could go into storage. 
6. You Don't Invite People Over Anymore
One of the signs that the clutter has gotten really bad is that you stop inviting people to your house. Maybe you don't feel ashamed, but you just know that it's not going to be an entirely comfortable experience for them. You can reclaim your home by getting storage. 

Your home should feel open and pleasant to live in. If it doesn't, there's a problem. A self-storage unit can help you get your home back to where it should be. Call B & R Self Storage today to inquire about our current rates.
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